Root Canals

Quality Root Canal Treatment in Queanbeyan

Do you experience painful toothaches or have highly sensitive teeth? There is a chance that the pulp inside your tooth is infected or decayed. When this happens, it becomes painful and uncomfortable to complete daily life actions, such as eating and drinking. If this is the case, your Queanbeyan dentist may recommend root canal treatment.   

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental treatment used to save a tooth with a diseased or dead pulp, preventing the spread of infection. This pulp can be found inside each tooth, with its purpose to deliver nerves and nutrients.  When this pulp becomes infected, toothaches can occur, and this is when you may need professional help. Root canal treatment is used to effectively save your natural teeth, rather than use artificial replacements. 

How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

Your trusted dentist will be able to advise you whether a root canal is the best treatment option for the pain or sensitivity you are experiencing. Here are symptoms of an infection that may be treated with root canal therapy:

Book a consultation with your trusted local dentist to determine whether a root canal will resolve your tooth pain or discomfort now!

What If I Leave My Root Canal Untreated?

If your root canal is untreated, bacteria from the infection can make their way to the roots of the tooth, directly to the tissues surrounding the gums and jaw. Complications may arise if action is not taken such as:

What Happens During a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment requires two to three dental visits (depending on the severity of infection and damage caused). At Queanbeyan Dental Clinic, we aim to make your root canal treatment effective and comfortable. We all know that infections are uncomfortable, therefore the best thing you can do is to visit us as soon as possible!

There are two types of root canal treatments – non-surgical (performed by a dentist) and surgical (performed by a health specialist when damage is too severe). A non-surgical procedure is used when the infection has not spread, and the initial X-ray can determine the source of the pain.

Here Is A Breakdown Of A Non-Surgical Root Canal Treatment

What Happens After A Root Canal Treatment?

Shortly after the procedure, the patient may return to the dental practice for additional treatment. Most of the time, your dentist will remove the temporary filling and crown, and replace them with permanent versions.

The recovery from a root canal treatment is minimal and you should feel back on track after a few days. Mild inflammation is normal and may cause discomfort during the days after the final treatment. This discomfort can be easily managed with an over-the-counter painkiller, in addition to a warm saltwater rinse.

Book In Your Root Canal Treatment Today

Root canals work for up to 95% of cases, and the only reason why it would not succeed is in the presence of bacteria or missed canals. The best method to prevent root canal treatment failure is to visit an experienced dentist that has the expertise and proper equipment that can advise on your treatment options.   

If you’ve been putting up with tooth pain, don’t wait any longer – see a professional today. The caring and skilled team at Queanbeyan Dental Clinic will help get you out of misery and smiling before you know it! Call us on 02 6297 3171 today.